The Posters
The f1 racing cars are the main image in the poster it has loads of vibrant colours on each car so it pops out more in the poster and the public can tell it is about racing and famous drivers competing in each round of a big race for each country and how hundreds of other people will support different teams. The font is very bright big and bold and when it says "drive to survive" for the little caption/catchphrase it shows us that each team will have to fight for there country to survive each race and to get that win.
Second poster
There are different types of posters with a change to it and in this poster it shows us an f1 driver's face blended in with many other colours with there helmet on you can also tell that there eyes look on the race and it is very intense they have to keep the eyes on there racing car and it is almost as if they keep the eyes on the prize in 1st place for there country.
Poster 3
This poster is more different because it is a animation and it only has two main colours on the poster the font is the same style and it is white again it has one of the race driver's sat in the car whilst he is pouring champaign which shows us that it is a sign of victory.
Online and social
Many people know about drive to survive mainly because of there socials and how much the public are loving to watch the races especially the big races and one main reason on why it is so big is because they drive in most countries and post daily on there social media a big variety of people know about f1 and have passion for the sport and there teams. It also has a lot of history because it was first defined in 1946 and has been going on for years many racers have died in the past from doing it and have been injured because of the sport when it gets too intense.
There are billboards in different countries in this picture you can tell it is probably in china or japan two of the biggest countries and usually most people support there country and there own team but others support different teams because they like the techniques on the drivers speed and the way they are as a person.
F1 even has a website/shop where hundreds of people buy all of formula 1 merch and whenever there is a sale more of the public buy new merch that comes out all the time the f1 shop earns so much money all the time the drivers earn millions as well as the shop which is good for the company as well.
This advertisement has a lot of colour in it and a little bit of detail it is very bright so the public look at it and would want to try and watch it to see what it's about and get to learn the drivers and the teams along the way of watching it. It is also advertsised on sky sports and many billboards.