Why we conduct primary research and how does it influence your own project ,importance and primary?
We did this because we wanted to know what questions would go well and what didn't go as well as the rest so we would get more of an idea of where people watch Netflix most of the time and how old the public are that watch it the most so we get more of a plan on which ages watch it the most and the percentage of the ages as you can see as well older generations don't necessarily watch Netflix as much as the younger generation.
Which questions worked well?
This question has worked well because for each age you can see that I asked 16 to 19 year old's the questions and this is what I found out and 71% of people watch Netflix on their television and 94% watch it at home.
Did anything surprise you?
There was quite a few responses and I wasn't expecting many I was only expecting a couple and the fact I emailed my survey out so I got some more responses and I was also surprised that no one really watched it on their phone because it is most likely going to waste a lot of data and the screen is a bit too small.
What might you ask differently next time?
I could of asked how many hours per week do you watch Netflix?